Category Archives: Uncategorized

Eclectic much?

I’m not too sure just what they are saying, but I like the style, and the guitar work, and the fact that the first part is in Latin and I know what it means.

If you get tired of the rest of the song, skip to 4:25 and listen to the band ride through the end. I get chills from the building intensity of one word in all varieties of it’s meaning.

Slaying Giants

I’m changing over contact forms. This is the second time I’ve had to do it in just a few months. First I used Contact form 7, then I tried and liked Cforms 2…until the captcha stopped working and it wouldn’t let anyone contact me. That was the last of a string of troubles that Cforms has given me. It’s an all around bug riddled industry leader. As a matter of fact, I brought down two of the industries three giants in the last two months.
Does that make me a giant slayer?
I dunno, I just bounce.

anger reflected Brighter Summer Day

I think Cforms got mad at me and started ranting at me in Chinese.

I messed up my little program thing, but I’m not sure how I told it to spit data out in Chinese. Cforms seems to be a little wonky with it’s absolute paths, that’s all I can figure. Notice the difference between what it’s supposed to be saying and what it gives me.

Here’s the translation. Emphasis added.

Mangzheguta Ji Taishangtongsong r Cu Mu Mi Jiancucongcuo ⽳ Gui Xia Mu ⹩ ever get Jinhongrunshou Mi ⵰ Min Litu ever get eliminated pestle Dong ⽳ Zhegutabai Laohongchiling Shanxidianbin Han Binnuoyanban Daopaqingla Xiebailiaofeng Chilingtanxi stable e 〱 㐲 Bai Xiao lao Hong Chihuosuixiang 㔀 㐳 㔵 ㄱ Juwa Yong ㉣ Fei received 㙥 㤴 ㉥ ㌶ ㉣ Jian Zhe Gutamounou 7 Loss overseer Li 㔀 Bailaohongchi Minyou Zhuoxuanzhidun 㔀 Bailaofengchi Minyou Boxuanzhitong 1 Uu 䘠 Xiaoying Ai ⑴ ␣ last Ji Tonwencuomu ⑴ ␣ ␰ ␣ ␰ ␣ ␰ ␣ ␰ ␣ 0 Zhegutasun Junlishengxiao Ying ㉟ life overseer ⁲ Shenyangchajun ⁲ Shen Right ⌤ Chengbangqingxiao Ying ⌤ ㄤ ⌤ 〤 ⌤ ㄤ ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 Bailaofengchi Minyou Boxuanzhitong 3 shallow Yu ⑬ ␣ Zhengbinxuanzhi ⑤ ␣ ␱ ␣ ␱ ␣ ␰ ␣ ␰ ␣ 0 Zhegutasun Junlishengxiao Ying 㑟 Guodenmeizheng Qijue 㩰 ⼯ ⌤ Chengbangqingxiao Ying ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 Bailiaohongchi Minyou Zhuoxuanjitong 5 Syria angry dog article ⑥ ␣ Zhengbinmuzao ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 ⌤ 〤 Bailiaohongchi Qiaoliuwutang ⠀ Qiaoliuwutang) Zhe Gutadianyin confused Qiaoliuwutang ⠀ dampen Yu Ching peg ⁤  Qiaoliuwutang) Zhegutasun Tangxuanhongbai Laohongchixiang Hong ㄀ Bai Liaohongchiyi Yu Pianpangweiguying y3 Zhegutasheng Lvyangshoujun ⁲ Kejiu Han ⁴ flooded Hongbai Laofengchishou Yuduosuodao 㩥 enough overseer ⁲ whole ⌤ sub Carpenter Chao Yu Industry Juetangyinggu  suffer light ⥹ Bai Liaofengchihuan Yao 䐀 Zao Shen ⁲ hw_api overseer ⁲ Right ⱽ hanging generous Seci overseer overseertide mapping revolves Ci lost the entire ਡ slow sleep is confused  Ji ⁴ ⁵ Queceon Tian Xun   Chan Ying-Xun Mei Xi Bai Tu ⹥ ਊ flooded Hong left foot bath l Quan Huan Yao Zhan King Leper Ceongai try Po Tang 㩴 Chao Feng sewage ㄠ Yayunweiwu ※ Yingaodonglu light ㄺ Mi Hong 㸢 Rang 㰾 luster of gems pigwash Fei 䐾 unfeigned ⁲ hw_api overseer ⁲ Shen Right ⱽ centering luster of gems pigwash Fei 㰾 瀯 ਾ Rangwukaise Cijunyinggu Ci overseer ⁲ tide the whole rubbish ⁥ 㰡 瀯 ਾ Rang Kai Jing Ying Wen 戠 retention Ci overseer resentment pick  ⁳ ⁳ bland soup collapse angry dog Tu expand Leper King ਮ Quan Ceongai parched Moroccan King to make slow positron beam 㠺 ┰ ※ Qiao ⌺ 㑦 grazing steppe Jiu torsion Hong revolves ⌺ dark 㬠 Ying Tang ⵴ Mei Shuang 㭡 drive ㄺ Ji 㭸 Yinggaicongbei ㄺ 㭸 Mou Mi Mu Yang ⵮ retention 㩰 〲 Sha ≜ 㰾 Cuoshaofeiwu Zhen Hui resentment  ⁳ Gaizhuyindi ⁣ Min Pu Wuyinditang Moujiaoqianji  䑻 Shifu 㰮 Tuan conflict soup 㹧 centering elata 㹶 centering elata 㹶 ਊ Bai Liaofengchiya Yu l resentment Juetou 䁷 Gui Mu ⹩ Min m Zhegutasheng Shaoyangyingu 䴀 Shi rafter Bixinquewei Tiwubailao Hong left foot for c Bai flooded Hong Chitougaifang 䄀 Drainage askance Ceonyuyenou Yi  yesterday revolves 㩭 Xianmin Yingfengqiubo Fu ≜ ഩ 㴊 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 㴽 ഽ Juyuyejue Tang Li-Li Mo 㩮 whole ൽ Ailian> Article hunchback He Li Wei Fu ਍ ⁽Chenhuiyinggu 䤠 ⥐ മ ⸊ ਍ Bai flooded Fengchitouxi Fangzhan bath l Rangceongaijing do Po Tang 㩴 Chao Feng sewage 〠 㠮 Yagafangque consider ※ Zhengbinqiqia Yongyemajin ※ Min Tan 㩲 㜣 㜷 ※ upset Gao Tong ㌺ Sha 〠 ≜ anger reflected Brighter Summer Day  慨 ⁳ am Tu Ceonyu Yejuetangmo  䑻 Shifu  Jie 㩡 Li Gong Ji ⁽䥛 ⁐ 䥻 Results 㱝 瀯> Zhe Gutashenggu Picks Shi a ㄱ ㄱ Bailiaofengchi Hui pick e 〳 Bailiaofengchi Chaoshishedang Right-Li s0 Zhegutaxiao Yuduo 䄀 Naowuyangli Suo Ying Shen pigwash  hw_api overseer ⁲ Right} Zhegutaxiao Yuyezhuozheng Binyunyuye t Zhegutayao Chen Sanrumiekai Secijunying fools Ci overseer ⁲ Min Gengtu ⅴ Bai flooded Hong Chijiuguqian e xi Zaoaiyinggu  Dong Yunjingtiantou Juhuanjiqiao ⁤ last Jidun. Zhe revolves t Bo Rex Jianghaoyinghua conflict revolves ⁥ Tom 㹧 Piemou Diedouhuimei soup ⁳ ⁴ pick Sanguitangyun Fuhuitianhao ⹥ centering luster of gems pigwash Fei> Zhegutasui Gujifeizhong Xiamouwutu ⁴ eliminating the unfeigned Ai ⸮. Zhegutazhu lights Ling Ben n Zhe bullock Tayaocongzhuan Xunjian Gaotaobailao Hongchiqiaosong Qiaosuozhutiao e & T. Hong ⼺ Chengtangwuwan ⹴ retention Cong Zhen ⹳ Weijibailiao Hong Chijianditang Bailiaohongchi Jiantitangzhu article e & T. Hong ⼺ / Zhegutase Man is Tong g Bailaofengchi Ben Hunquebenhuang Mu d1 Zhegutadi conflict Xiao Hong Tu s Bailaofengchi whole Jingbuweitu d ㄰ Bailaohongchi Quebenhuangmu d0 discipline


As my brother and myself have been designing awesomeness for the web, we have been known to say some of the strangest things:

“Slash head, open body.”

“‘The gospel must be preached, no matter what’. That’s the problem!”

“Yup, saved equals true is causing the problem.”

“There’s a problem with the cats call.”

“Pound header die? What does that mean?”

“I think I’m getting hit with cash again!”

“I think I just blew up mother earth.”

“Beast of mother earth is misbehaving again.”

“I hate the god-snake.” “The what?” “god-addy:the god snake.”

“Is it pound wrapper, or do we not need to change the wrapper?”

“I just got rid of all my cashe and it didn’t fix anything.”

A land close beyond the skies.

Floating over the pomegranate skies

A land awakes and the sun dries.

Slipping away time like a third handed clock

Stopped to take stock of the moment.


Vested in glory and bequeathed with the light

A city of glory, weakens the mighty.

Shimmering candescence of altosphereic mass

Descends through the crackling sky.

Continue reading

Symmetrical Tears

Mira looked down at the two pieces of bread held out by the stranger, either unable to comprehend that someone would give away food, or wary of the gift, but in the end she took it and devoured it.

A few tears slipped down her cheek. She had never been given such a present.

She was the first of the children to be given food that day and was followed by twenty or so other starving people. They were all that were left of her village after the flooding and disease.

She looked up to see the womans tears flowing as she watched them all eat, overwhelmed by what she saw. She had never seen such need before.

It wasn’t the food that kept Mira going. It was the shared tear.

Authors note: I really do hate tear-jerkers. I always have.

The purpose of this is not so that you will have something to cry over and then feel better about your life. I should think that you can figure out the purpose with a few moments thought.

Space Empires 4 Cheat Trainer

I have thought to myself for a while that someone needs to make a Trainer for Space empires IV. It get’s really tedious to type “Money” a hundred times, but to research faster, you need to. I made a macro to do it for me, and just thought I’d share. It’s an exe file, so to be safe, I would scan it with a virus protection software before using it. I promise it’s virus free, but you probably don’t know me, so I recommend you error on the side of caution.

To use it, just double click on the exe program, and it will sit and wait for you to open up the window you put the cheat in. Once it sees it, it should hold down the control key and start typing. The worst it will do is nothing, and if it doesn’t work for you, let me know in the comments and I’ll try to make it more universal.



Full content in Word Press Categories.

Problem: In wordpress, themes control whether a category page displays an excerpt, full content, or just the link to the post. For some weird reason, twentyten (2010) only displays the title. Here’s how you change to full content in 2010, and I’m sure it will be pretty much the same in every theme that doesn’t have a control for this built in.

You’ll find your answers on Kdari’s WordPress blog.