Labels can save lives.
Today I had to rush to clean a house. I had a bottle for one of the cleaning solutions I would need, but realized that I didn’t have a bottle for the second one.
Being the clever problem solver that I am, I grabbed a Frebreze bottle and emptied it’s contents into the only container I had on hand…
Later tonight, I was on the phone and needed a drink of water, so I reached for the water bottle I had conveniently left on my dresser.
First thought was, “This water is nasty!”
Second Thought was “My mouth is going numb.”
Third thought was more of a life-flashing-before-my-eyes type thing.
I’m writing to assure everyone that I’m still alive. I should regain my sense of taste sometime within the next week or so. I don’t think I’ll ever do that again. This lesson was learned memorably.
So, what’s the penalty for attempted suicide? =P
If you think about it, the penalty for Murder is death, so the penalty for living through death is probably life.