Space Empires 4 Cheat Trainer

I have thought to myself for a while that someone needs to make a Trainer for Space empires IV. It get’s really tedious to type “Money” a hundred times, but to research faster, you need to. I made a macro to do it for me, and just thought I’d share. It’s an exe file, so to be safe, I would scan it with a virus protection software before using it. I promise it’s virus free, but you probably don’t know me, so I recommend you error on the side of caution.

To use it, just double click on the exe program, and it will sit and wait for you to open up the window you put the cheat in. Once it sees it, it should hold down the control key and start typing. The worst it will do is nothing, and if it doesn’t work for you, let me know in the comments and I’ll try to make it more universal.



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