Interesting images

Can we be less precise? I'm still trying to figure that out.

This is also used as an advertisement for the coast guard. 😉

It’s amazing what you can find when you aren’t looking for anything in particular. When I’m looking for funny pictures, all I get are retarded or revolting junk.

Why does a good thing never last?

Every time I find something that is truly outstanding, it goes away. Back in my wild days, I found this really awesome flavor for energy drinks. Guava is fantastic as an energy drink flavor, but apparently it didn’t sell well, because after a few months of finding it, I was unable to find it anywhere in the Nashville area. Stupid supply and demand (grumble grumble..)

Before that I found a really good pesticide, and of course they stopped selling it.

This time I decided to fight back. I have found a really good, and I do mean REALLY good flavor of chip. I’m pretty sure it must have kind of controlled substance in it because I definitely failed the dare to eat just one. Go buy one, try it and tell your friends.

hint of lime

Please buy me!

Then you can call the warehouse and order enough to make it through the upcoming famine in style.

*Note, although I wish I was getting paid to write this, or some other kind of kick back, this effort has been made for the sake of the greater good of humanity, which involves lime flavored corn chips…….but I’ll have to get back to you later on how that works exactly.

Facebook app got your tongue?

Facebook is pretty cool general, but the latest layout makes it even less easy to figure out what you are doing when you are changing settings. Here’s how to silence the annoying app you used once, but now is publishing random junk under your name.  Relax. It’s easy once you know what to do.

Step one.

Click on the account button in the top right corner, and select “Application settings”.

Step two.

If you see the stupid application that you want to shush right o ff, you can skip to step three. Otherwise, you can show the applications who are allowed to post on your behalf by clicking the Show button, and selecting “Allowed to Post”

Step Three….quieting the app.

So now you see the “Lover of the day” application that keeps pretending to be you. Click on the “Edit Settings” button and click on the tab that says “Additional Permissions”. Now you will see a check box that you will want to uncheck. Click “Okay”, and you’re done.

I don’t like overworking.

It’s been a busy day.

I’m working on becoming at least proficient at Bass.
I’ve been learning about SEO. (coincidental, I’ve given up on php. I’ll probably take that back up in a year or two)
I’m working on compiling some of my works for a book of short stories and poems. They need a lot of work. (I’ve back-burnered any audio work for now since my computer is down and I don’t have the funds to repair it though it wouldn’t be much.)
I’m trying to figure out the ins and outs of Buddy-press. (fantastic software by the way.)

This presents the question, am I a work-a-holic?

Hahahahaha! That’s a good joke.

Cmdr out.

A shout in the Dark.

The goblin stood, looking about
Not a thought crossed his mind.
Looking down at the source of the shout
Glaring, snarling and acting in kind.

A young boy had ventured deep
Into the wood and stood
Now facing what fears creep
Into his most unimaginable dreams.

Pictures source unknown.

Reflected in the water was the state of his soul

As ugly as it ever had been.

Young as he was, he took back control

And gave God the rest of his sin.

Poem by Dan Delyon

The Beast.

Darkness quiet, light Serene

Guide my soul to worlds unseen.

For by thy strength the powers stand

Whence Sounds and clouds crowd O’er the land.

and Stretched from distant fabled place

I see a drama in times of old.

My gallant nave does skew his face,

For inset in his arrogant soul

There be a token of his mind,

A glimpse of things he soon will find.


Flung now aside all play at grace

He flees before the dragons voice.

Beast unearthly, calms not one fear

But plays on all as if a drum.

The brute walks out, with force of his nature

and Bends the mind of all but his creator.

Of one more fool he makes his meal

While watching on  in dream surreal

I find that there is much to know.

Thus, much can be learned from long ago.

~Dan Delyon

Are you a positive person?

Not sure just yet what my take is on this question. There are at least two different things that people are talking about when they discuss positives and negatives in regards to human behavior.

1. A person who looks for the best in situations vs. a person who sees the worst in every situation.

2. A person who is good at keeping people on track by narrowing their perspective to something that can actually be accomplished vs. a person who often sets unrealistic goals.

By the first definition, everyone wants to be a positive person. By the second, everyone wants to be dead center or at least work with someone who is on the opposite side of the equation and will balance your tendency out.

This presents a dilemma for the person who leans toward the negative side of the second scenario. What do they call themselves. The first definition has tarnished the name of “negative person”, so they can’t call themselves negative people, nor can they call themselves realists, as the artistic people of this generation and last decided that realists hamper creativity, which is not always true. In fact without an idealist working with a realist, very little great art ever happens.

I have a solution.

We could teach everyone Latin and then we wouldn’t have this problem.

Dan D Fortune Cookie.

“Count your blessings, not your successes and true success will find you instead.” ~Dan Delyon

“Can you imagine what would happen if everyone got online at once? I’d be like the day the earth stood still…not because it would overload the internet, but because people don’t usually move around too much while online.” ~Dan Delyon