
I heard something interesting the other day, but you wouldn’t be interested, so I wont waste your time.

I have been thinking a lot about thought lately.

Where does it come from? Does it come from the mind or the soul or the sole mind? I get confused sometimes about thought, maybe I should stop trying.

Did you ever think about how many electrons fly through a wire in a second to bring you the image you have before your eyes? Or, more correctly, the rapidly changing set of images you have before your eyes? Ha! I bet I’ve made your head hurt now, which brings us back to the original thought…thought.

So, does anyone want some digital pizza? I can afford it!

I thought pizza planet was just make believe, but then I saw that someone had taken a picture of it. Now I can see that it must be real!!!

The Internet Pizza Server is maintained by The Internet Pizza Server Elves

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