
Trying to capture a thought

Trying to think on the spot

Wondering about why

Feeling a little dry

Pieces of the puzzle falling in place

Nothing really coming.


Facing  the fact


Even though a thought might not be what you wanted

What you got might be better still


a plan behond your own hand, behond your own head, beyond your own mind; find what it is that’s supposed to be found.


Hit the ground running.

No time for blunderin

No way.

At the end of the time, at the end of the day

What really matters?

Start well.


Flow of thought


The flow of thought upon the paper,
tapers from a distant time.

Lines once written, lost in meaning,
meaning more or less the same.

Time goes on, the author doesn’t…
whispers still reach out to mind.

Calling thoughts and skills to deepen
Once language ends; then ends it’s time.


Poet, though I feel thy sorrow,
Yet, let not it be my own.

Learn from thee, I have, and opened
To the light, my poets mind.

Original what?

One of the most liberating thoughts I’ve had lately is that I can’t be completely original. How can I originate a thought without thinking of things God has already made, said, or thought of in the first place. I can only rearrange. That means that all those things I almost wrote down, but decided were too unoriginal, were about as original as the things I actually thought were original. In the end, one only kicks oneself for what one didn’t put into writing…or put in the wrong place. I’ve done my share of both…

Flu shots working much?

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I think these flu shots are just making it madder… because within my memory span, I’ve never encountered the flu being near this bad. I think we’re somehow just making it worse.