G to the T.

pinksky1.jpgI don’t often put up other people’s work simply because I figure that a blog should be from my heart and experience to yours, but this has affected me deeply and I think everyone needs to hear it.“‘We love because God first loved us. If people say, ‘I love God,’ but hate their brothers or sisters, they are liars. Those who do not love their brothers and sisters, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have never seen. And God gave us this command: Those who love God must also love their brothers and sisters.”(1 John 4:19-21)’Brothers and sisters can really test your ability to love. They know you so well. They know what makes you cringe and what makes you cry. They can understand you (sometimes) better than anyone else. They can irritate you to no end, but God says that if you love Him you have to love them. He says that if you don’t, you’re a liar. If you don’t love the people you can see (the ones who share your bathroom, eat the last of your favorite snacks, and go through your things), then God says you can’t possibly love him, the One you haven’t seen. Getting along with your brothers and sisters means you’ll get lots of practice at forgiveness. The best thing that could happen is that you’ll become really good friends with the people God put right in your home. He can do anything. So love and just watch Him!”Is it just me, or does anyone else think that if that truth hit the church at full impact we’d see some serious change? The biggest problem of this generation is shear hopelessness. I feel it; I know it’s there! I can smell it and it stinks to the high heavens! Now why would people feel hopeless?… BECAUSE WE DON’T ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT IS POSSIBLE TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER! We’ve stopped trying because we have accepted the lie that the horror we accept is normal and that change only leads to more problems. But didn’t Christ preach to change hearts and minds? Wasn’t He full of grace and truth? Why aren’t we showing that grace to the ones we live/work/worship with? Is it that we really don’t care about them that we “spare” them the truth?

There is a bit of truth that just won’t let go of me lately.

It’s grace.

His grace is what I need to show. His grace is what changes things. There is no other way to change the world than to let his light shine through.

“I don’t want anyone to walk in my shadow, I want them to walk in the pure light that is shining right through me. I want to be transparent.”

My ability to cope with life and change is dependant upon my desire to let God do with me what He wants. There is no grace without truth and there can be no peace without truth. In short, it is ‘untrue’ to God to not extend grace towards others and to live at war with them.

OUR FIGHT IS NOT WITH THEM. Some of them will be our dearest allies after they come face to face with Gods’ grace.

Car washes are cool!!! I just went through one for the first time, but I forgot my car so it didn’t feel so good when the flying cloth strips smashed against me.


I took my car and now it’s clean! It’s awesomeness!